2011년 12월 9일 금요일

The body reading journal #3

Reading Journal #3 of “The body”

<Final thoughts about “The body”>

16th waver 10b1 Seung Jun Kim

             After I finished reading the book, I made a small grin. Why? It was because I was pretty glad about how those four boys acquired maturity that will last for their rest of their lives (although three of them die). Maturity is something that cannot be acquired easily especially in the modern day world where there are parents running hastily around to do everything for their kids.  
             This is how the world looks like: “Mom, what should I do next?”
“You go to the English private academy at 2 o’clock and return at 6 o’clock. After that, you take a shower and eat dinner. Next, you have to prepare for your first math class you’ll have tomorrow.”
“What? I didn’t even know I was going to a math private academy...”
“You are a teenager. You don’t know what’s important and what’s not. I make decisions for you and the only thing you have to do is to follow them.”
“Mom, but...”
“Be a grown up boy, Sam! You should learn how to obey your parents. Parents know what’s best for you!”
             At first, this piece of dialogue seems very far-fetched, but unfortunately, this is the reality of our society. Kids are not allowed to think about their own life and they never encounter hardships in their lives because their parents are getting rid of the obstacles before their children face them. However, the four boys were different. They knew how to control their lives, they understood how things should be done, and finally they worried about their own future (although these things happened not because their parents educated the four boys to be independent, but rather because the disregard of the parents towards them inevitably forced them to be independent). So let’s look at some the thoughts that came up to my mind after reading this book.
             To begin with, I believe good friendship contributed greatly to the development of maturity within these four kids. The relationship between Criss and Gordie was especially encouraging. Throughout the journey, Criss constantly encourages Gordie to become a great writer. In response, Gordie solaces Criss about the unfortunate milk money incident. This kind of mutual cooperation continued on even after the disunion of the four kids. Despite the derogatory and hostile attitudes of the surrounding people, Criss was never discouraged because Gordie was always there for him to give great advice. On the other hand, Criss was always beside Gordie to heal the emotional scars within Gordie’s soul by making peace. Eventually, Criss and Gordie achieved their goal of self-realization by becoming a lawyer and writer respectively.
             Moreover, I believe there were some really good symbolic entities that greatly contributed to the overall atmosphere of the story. The deer, for example, represents purity and innocence. In the book, Gordie states that the experience of seeing the deer was the best and cleanest part of the journey. By evoking feminine and delicate feeling within Gordie’s mind, I believe the deer was effective in portraying the process of how Gordie’s scar was healing from the scars of Castle Rock. Also, I believe the train symbolizes the societal pressures and corruption of Castle Rock. According to the societal prejudice of Castle Rock, Criss is expected to become a bad boy and Teddy is considered to be a “son of a loony” no matter what he does. These societal moulds are very difficult to pulverize. I believe the scene where the train almost ran over Vern and Gordie, represents how the boys eventually escapes from the malicious society of Castle Rock and acquire maturity. 
             Lastly, I was pretty disappointed by the sad ending of the story. It would have been much better if all the four boys were alive and lived happily ever after. The sad ending sharply contrasted to the movie I once saw called, “Coach Carter”. The movie was about a black basketball coach who eventually succeeds in making the basketball players of the school to lead a better life. At first, this task seems very difficult for coach Carter because most of the boys in the basketball team were addicted to drugs, sex and they didn’t have any will to study whatsoever. However, all the indulgent boys are touched by the devotion of their coach, Carter and finally make up their minds to transform their lives. In the end of the movie, the narrator describes how most of the boys turned out to be successful in their lives. One became an officer in the Bank of America, another became a famous basketball coach of NBA and some other dudes became good businessmen. I believe same goes with “The body”. If Stephen King had changed the ending by allowing all the boys to be alive and to lead a wonderful life in the end of the book, the theme of maturity would have been more effectively portrayed. However, overall, I loved both the book and the film J 

"Stand by me, Gordie."

Thank you for such a good book and film, Mr. King :) 

2011년 12월 5일 월요일

Introduction statement for the DIA application :)

My passion for KMLA
  16th waver Seung Jun Kim

             My name is Seung Jun Kim of the 16th wave and I am honored to apply for the Department of International Affairs. One year has already passed since I entered KMLA and so many things have changed. KMLA has simply enriched and sometimes challenged me to become a bigger person. Since KMLA has done so much to me throughout the year, it will mean so much to me if I am able to contribute to my school in any way. That’s why I applied for DIA. If I become a member of DIA, I would greatly contribute to improving KMLA’s image in various ways.
             To begin with, my time-management skill will enhance the efficiency of DIA. Since I was included in many active school clubs, I had to deal with both school work and loads of club activities at the same time. Fortunately, I managed to handle all the work effectively and this was possible owing to my time-management skills. This invaluable skill implies that I have more time, effort and passion remaining for me to invest on DIA affairs.
             Moreover, I believe my diligence will greatly contribute to the development of DIA. I assumed the role of class president for six consecutive years from elementary school to middle school. Throughout my presidency, I was touted as the ‘Diligent Juny’ just like ‘Honest Abe’ because I used to swiftly finish all the necessary tasks for the class. When I was in the second grade of middle school, I used to go to a foreign language private academy to learn Chinese at 6:00 a.m. sharp every day. Of course, I was tired in the morning but my passion towards Chinese couldn’t stop me from rubbing my eyes and continuing to learn Chinese. Likewise, my passion towards my school and DIA will enable me to do a superb job in spreading the fame of our school.
             Most importantly, my fervor towards KMLA and DIA is irresistible. When I was a middle school kid, the short video which explained about the overall life in KMLA mesmerized me. Since then, I made up my mind to apply for this school. After I entered the school this year, KMLA never disappointed me. Rather, it constantly encouraged me to grow as a bigger person. Every day, I feel lucky and blessed to be in this school with wonderful teachers, friends and seniors. I want to do something for my school. And the most important thing, I believe that should be done, is to improve the image of our school and spread the name all over the world. I even heard that several years ago, a certain American university thought KMLA was a Chinese university and decided not to pick as much students as before. As this example illustrates, there is a clear need for KMLA students to stand up and fix the wrong perception or information foreigners have. I would be so glad to be part of this campaign. Thank you very much.

"Languages and Leadership" [Minjok Herald Feature Writing 2nd draft]

Learning how to make audiences dazed with their mouths open
Languages and Leadership
Kim Seung-Jun
Junior Feature Writer, 16th Wave

             In the presidential election of 2008, distrust and resentment were at an all time high. However, President Obama mesmerized the crowd with a simple word “change”. Whenever he faced hardships during his presidency, he pacified the roaring crowd with the magical power of speech. This is exactly why leaders need language abilities and shows how simple words can bring forth great changes. Let look at why languages are required to foster leadership and how students from Korean Minjok Leadership Academy (KMLA) learn languages.
            To begin with, language skill for leaders is important for the survival of corporations in a global economy. Nowadays, overseas partners are looking for people who can communicate fluently with foreign counterparts. This is because only companies are able to break down language barriers can acquire new contracts and commercial opportunities in the global economy. In fact, many of the able-graduates of KMLA are receiving love calls in the United States. Even several months ago, good news that a 10th waver was employed by the Bank of America made us proud.
             Moreover, great speeches improve productivity of a group or organization. In bureaucracy, ‘just tell them approach’ hinders effective communication between the administrative branch and the executive branch of a corporation. Often times, miscommunication have caused serious problems. On the other hand, if a leader has storytelling (language) ability, it becomes much easier to convey the exact views and vision of a corporation. Also, direct storytelling of a leader outweighs all other alternatives. Charts, for example, leave listeners bemused and dialogue is just too laborious and slow. Mind-numbing cascades of numbers or daze-inducing PowerPoint slides won’t have the same effects as direct storytelling of leaders either. This reminds us of KMLA’s student council election process. All candidates are required to give speeches that appeal to the students. Plus, they have to write their manifestoes in an orderly manner to persuade and give credit to the voters. Without coherent language ability, even assuming a president of KMLA is something unimaginable.
             Finally, language ability of leaders enables the society to be united. When there are only abstract numbers that exist to explain about the future, people are often not willing to accept what leaders say. Why? It’s because certain numbers aren’t effective at showing a clear vision and people inevitably feel uncertainty about their future. However, storytelling of a leader changes dry and abstract numbers into compelling pictures of a leader’s goals. Although visions of good businesses are mainly conveyed through the use of numbers, they should be approved on the basis of a story in order to unite people into one. Especially, when a certain corporation faces the task of persuading a group of managers or front-line staff in a large organization to get enthusiastic about a major change, storytelling is the only thing that works.
             So, what does KMLA students do to improve their language abilities? First, they take regular sessions of language classes. Students are encouraged to participate actively in in-class discussions regarding pieces of literature, video and various sources. They learn how to express their opinions in a logical manner and how to interact with their audiences. English debate and public speech classes enable students to be confident in giving speeches just like leaders are.
             Second, after-class activities foster the language ability of students. Students are required to finish piles of homework which includes writing essays, reading several pieces of writing, and watching news clips. Classes such as AP Language, for example, even allow students to enjoy greater challenges such as writing several synthesis essays. What’s more, students individually participate in language related competitions such as English Debate competitions and DELE, a Spanish proficiency test.
             Students in KMLA are certainly striving to get the most out of their language classes. In fact, many students have already acquired the necessary ability to become a leader. That is, they are learning how to make audiences roll in the isles, cry and inspire them. I believe incessant efforts of KMLA students are bringing them closer and closer to becoming a respected global leader who can change the world.

Common group v.s. new group ?

Is there any value for people to belong only to a group or groups with which they have something in common?

             Most of the people agree that humans are better than animals because of their ability to think creatively and logically. Humans are able to spread out the delicate wings of imagination and make the world a better place to live in. However, this magical and wonderful ability loses its power when a certain person is restricted only to a group with which they have something in common. That is why I believe there is not much value for people to belong only to group with similar members.
             To begin with, people often become narrow-sighted and lose the spirit of diversity once they are limited only to a group of similar people. If people spend time only with people who are similar to him or her, distorted thoughts and prejudices start to grow within the minds’ of the people. The prejudice that all other people in the society are going to be just like them will greatly deter people from becoming bigger men. It is because people will suffer from enormous conflicts with others once they step into society and meet new people. Also, people are no longer able to learn from others because they only notice the negative side of new culture and people. This is exactly what happened when the Chosun Dynasty shut its door against the Western culture. At that time, citizens in the Korean Peninsula had no interactions with new groups or societies of any kind. As a result, people in Chosun Dynasty lost their precious chance to develop the nation by accepting novel and advanced Western culture. I believe the reason why we go to universities is not just to learn academics in depth but also to escape from the limited society where there are only similar people. People from all different races, religions, ideas and culture gather together and are allowed to discuss and share ideas fully about many issues. In that process, people learn how to become tolerable and open-minded.
             Furthermore, excessive conflict is inevitable in a group only with similar people. All humans have an innate desire to be recognized by other members of society. Unfortunately, it often becomes very difficult to stand out in a society with only similar people because people are unable to differentiate themselves from others. The only way to receive attention is to greatly surpass others on a certain subject. As a result, members in that restricted group come to see others as competitors and people to overcome. The good spirit of cooperation and co-existence fades away. Only excessive competition and conflict remain in the group. For instance, Korea and Japan were called as ‘Hermit Kingdoms’ because of isolation. Unfortunately, bipartisan conflicts were much more severe compared to other nations in the world. It was common to see tens of people killed in a single day due to the conflict within the royal family.
             Even now, prejudices and biases exist in our society. Violence and bloodshed started from trivial misunderstandings and biases in the Middle East. This catastrophe can be prevented if people learn how to be tolerant towards others. Wonderful things will happen if people escape from their limited society of similar people and embrace the new world where diversity blossoms like a delicate rose.

What is the source of aggression in human beings?

What seems to be the source of aggression in human beings? What can be done to lower the level of aggression in our society?

             At this very moment, hundreds of people are dying because of homicide and violence. Aggression seems to be part of life in human beings. Sadly, violence and aggression are common even to congressmen, who represent the whole nation. So, what is the source of aggression which is inevitable and widespread in our society? If we have any, what are the solutions to alleviate aggression?
             To begin with, people display aggression when their desires are not fulfilled adequately. Human needs and desires are endless. Virtually all of us would like to have social status in our community, perpetual health, unconditional love, and so on. However, only few of us will enjoy these things. Self-control sometimes breaks down which results in aggressions ranging from trivial theft to extensive murders. Imagine a man living in a city slum all his or her entire life. All around him is massive poverty, crime, and violence. His father has been deployed to a nation for war and his mother passed away several years ago. On the other hand, gangster leaders lead a relatively modest life. In such a desperate situation, where basic requirements of life are not met, this person has every incentive to become aggressive in order to escape from abject poverty. This desire-aggression model applies equally to desires for food, love, recognition and so on.
             Furthermore, aggression is often learned from society. In the field of psychology, there is theory called “social learning theory” which focuses on aggression as a learned behavior. It emphasizes the role of the social influences on aggressive behavior. Nowadays, sites of violence and aggression are all over the place. For example, studies have found that network television broadcasts about 10 violent acts per hour on average. And teenagers spend a lot of time playing violent video games. By looking and experiencing these aggressions in their daily lives, people learn aggression through a combination of modeling and reinforcement. What’s more, social collectivism mandates people to learn and display aggression within a group. Collectivism is the principle that places social rights, needs, or benefit above and apart from the individuals who make up a certain society. Although social collectivism often sounds beneficial because it calls for the greater social good, it is actually the main reason for the violence in many societies. For instance, to achieve the utopia of Karl Marx, thousands of people were tortured and slaughtered. Professor Rummel who is the author of "Death by Government," estimates that the people killed were about 70,000,000 in the Soviet Union because of excessive aggression among the members of society.
             At this point, do we have any solutions to alleviate the intensity of aggression? First, I believe training oneself to be tolerable and lenient will definitely help reduce aggression. Benjamin Franklin, who was one of the leading thinkers and fathers of United States, tried to become a good person in character. What he did was to check whether he was following some values such as perseverance in a daily basis. If people follow what Franklin did, it will be much easier to keep in check what he or she is doing wrong. Second, it will be great if people avoid irritating situations by remembering when and where you got angry in the past. In our daily lives, people are often provoked by the same kinds of incidents that happen routinely. However, people repeat the same mistakes over and over again although he or she makes up her mind not to vent anger or aggression. Also, the second solution will be more effective when you reward yourself if you had better control over your temper.
             There are innumerable incidents that will arouse anger. However, the world will be full of resentment if people started to display aggression for every single incident that frustrated him or her. The saying that says, "Aggression breeds more aggression" is true. Violence produces more hate in your opponent and in you. Let us be more tolerant and open-minded people in order to lead a happier life for all of us.