2011년 10월 10일 월요일

"Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" Movie v.s. Book

             One of the biggest joys of watching a book-based film is comparing the context of the original book to the movie. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are maybe the best examples. However, the movie “Shawshank Redemption” was more interesting than the other book-based movies considering the vividness and liveliness. So what are the differences between the book and the film? What did I learn from both of them?
             To being with, the movie included dramatic elements in the content. This created a more touching atmosphere for the audience. Brooks, for example, killed himself after he was allowed to be rehabilitated in society because he was institutionalized. This part of the mo
vie is completely different from the book. However, this newly added element clearly sent the message to the viewers that prison is a cold-hearted place which deprives the lives of prisoners by making them institutionalized and thereby unable to blend into society once they are released. Also, in the movie, when Norton, the warden, saw the rock hammer inside the bible, he was motionless with his mouth aghast. Parts of the movie like this made the overall story much more interesting because we could understand how Andy was able to get away with the entire regular prison search. Additionally, such scenes had the effect of making audiences satisfied because characters such as Norton, who was the root of evil, was eventually punished.
             Next, the movie was more effective in conveying the theme of the story. I believe this is because the movie is able to depict the story more graphically and vividly. The malicious facial expression of Norton, for instance, strengthened the symbol of hypocrisy and disgrace. In addition, the brutality of the prison environment was well portrayed by graphic scenes of unrelenting violence. If it were not for such scenes, the overall atmosphere of the movie might have been dull.
             What did I feel from this movie? I once again strongly understood the importance of hope. The word “hope” has only 4 syllables but has enormous influence on our lives. Hope makes every moment of our life worthwhile. In this movie, for example, hope gives the inmates in Shawshank the will to live. In the letter addressed to Red, Andy writes that “hope is good thing”. I certainly agree with this statement because hope makes my everyday routine enjoyable and pleasurable. For instance, we endeavor on our studies till midnight with the hope of rejoicing sweet rest after the mid-term exam and achieving my dreams in the future. The proverb, “Dreaming a happy thing” clearly illustrates the point that craving and hoping for our future dreams make us smile.
             To conclude, “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption” became one of my favorite movies. Not only was the plot of the story concrete but also I could feel equanimity and warmth oozing out from me. I guess this was owing to the concept of hope which gave my life value. I strongly suggest this movie to those who want to find meaning in their lives.

댓글 2개:

  1. Good post. I agree - it is one of the few films that surpasses the book. I look forward to your views on The Body compared to the film. Make sure you don't watch the movie first!

  2. I think it is a very rewarding experience for me to read the book and watch the movie at the same time!
    I am reallylooki ng forward to watching "The Body" :)
