2011년 11월 5일 토요일

2011/10/3 Minjok Herald Writing

Sudden Attack
By Seung Jun Kim

 Within the recent two weeks, many students from KMLA have already caught a cold and the number is rising rapidly. The reason why this negative phenomenon is spreading throughout KMLA is mainly because of the enormous daily temperature change and the inevitable characteristic of a boarding school. Let’s look more closely on what’s happening in KMLA.
 First, the temperature dropped drastically in a relatively short period of time. KMLA is situated in a relatively high elevation which makes the average temperature lower. According to the Korea Meteorological Administration center, the average temperature difference between areas in high elevation and ordinary places can be maximum eight degrees Celsius. This means that the weather can be modestly warm during the day but relatively cold in the evening. In fact, the daily temperature difference was a whooping ten degrees Celsius while the average was about six in other areas. This sudden change in weather made the students in KMLA more vulnerable to cold viruses because human body can’t all of a sudden adapt to a drastic change in environment.
 Next, the inevitable trait of a boarding school created an easier environment for viruses to infect students. In a boarding school, students have to spend the whole day with their friends in the dormitory, classroom and so on. The contagion of virus happens in this incessant physical contact among students.
 Why did this become an issue although cold is a very banal subject to bear any significance? It’s because the mid-term is only about a week away. In a period where concentration and time-management are required, cold is preventing many students from effectively preparing for their exams. A 16th waver, Tae Hyun Kim shared his bitter experience of getting a cold a week ago. “My quiz scores significantly dropped”, he said, “I wasn’t able to concentrate in class nor was I able to study well during extra hours. I’m worried about my mid-term.” Unfortunately, more students are expected to be infected due to the patients around them. It is high time for students to be alert and take good care of their health.

댓글 2개:

  1. Good advice. Have you seen the movie "Contagion?" OMG.

  2. I love to watch new movies! (although I didn't watch that many movies...) The title of the movie itself somewhat suggests that it is about an epidemic. I will definitely watch this movie after the finals because I believe there is a reason why you suggested this movie :) Thank you for your suggestion ^^
